Why we perceive we are moving through a convergence of major

tipping points


Why is it that community and the metaverse find themselves at the core of the next major

internet transition



According to Malcolm Gladwell,


tipping point

is that magic moment when an idea, trend, or social behavior crosses a threshold, tips, and spreads like wildfire.

These transformations have great ethical implications as they can help us give new meaning and value to what we do. They hold the potential to fundamentally change and expand our way of thinking, feeling and evolving, thus they hold the potential to either destroy or facilitate the discovery of solutions to urgent problems that affect us globally.

The technological changes of the 20th century, marked by exponentiality have led us to experience revolutions, standout “big bangs” in the way we express ourselves, interact, and imagine

new futures.

We are living in times where exponential and disruptive technologies are intersecting and building towards multiple

tipping points

and possibly the greatest opportunity to redefine and re-organize the ways we co-exist in this world and beyond.  

Some exponential technologies that are contributing toward these major tipping points are:

- Genomic Revolution
- Autonomous Tech. & Robotics
- Space Exploration
- 3D Printing
- Blockchain Technology
- Games and Immersive internet —> Web 3.0

Most recent unparalleled tipping points:

Structure of the internet

read-only internet, similar to a catalog


A decentralized infrastructure, in which anyone could host a server, and every computer on the internet essentially acted as a relay between browsers and servers.


1990: Tim Berners Lee creates the World Wide Web, creating the possibility to read the internet through hyperlinks.1995: Internet Explorer browser facilitates navigation through the web.

read, write, interact


Rise of social media  (MySpace, Facebook, YouTube) and centralization.


2002/3: Popularization of broadband - more multimedia content.2003: MySpace.2004: WIFI - mobile technology increases mobility.

read, write, execute


distributed, reclaim the ownership of your data and monetize it, meaningful connections, global value.


2013: Bitcoin establishment.

From Web 1.0 to Web3: How the Internet Grew Over The Years | Hackernoon
Public Blockchains Have Unique Characteristics

Public blockchain infrastructure serves as the backbone for new forms of economic coordination: it minimizes the need to trust centralized institutions. The decentralized, open, and permissionless characteristics of public blockchains lower the cost of coordination, among other advantages.

Status Quo Infrastructure
Central authorities mediate network activity

Network rules are determined behind closed doors at the discretion
of companies, platforms, and regulators

Corporations facilitate coordination, often excluding network participants

Geography and regulation control access to platforms
Public Blockchain Infrastructure
Distributed computer nodes mediate network activity
Network rules are open and auditable, coordinated by users and stakeholders
Network participants facilitate coordination through a fair system of checks and balances
Anyone with an internet connection can participate and innovate
Forecasts are inherently limited and cannot be relied upon. | For informational purposes only and should not be considered investment advice, or a recommendation to buy, sell or hold any particular security/cryptocurrency. Source: ARK Investment Management LLC, 2021
Public Blockchains Could Transform Every Traditional Asset Class
Investors once thought the internet was a new channel among others:
Now, the internet is facilitating all channels:
Online Radio
Online TV
Online News
Similarly, cryptoassets issued on public blockchains are likely to impact all asset classes. Just as the internet turned information into packets online, public blockchains are likely to turn all assets into transactions on-chain.ains are likely to turn all assets into trall assets into transactions on-chainansactions on-chain
Public Blockchains
Crypto-art (NFTs)
Forecasts are inherently limited and cannot be relied upon. | For informational purposes only and should not be considered investment advice, or a recommendation to buy, sell or hold any particular security/cryptocurrency. Source: ARK Investment Management LLC, 2021
Public Blockchains Are Stirring Several Revolutions
In our view, the Bitcoin protocol created the most profound application of public blockchain infrastructure. In addition to the Money Revolution, public blockchains also have catalyzed Financial and Internet Revolutions.
Public Blockchain Infrastructure
The money Revolution
Coordination of value transfer and property rights outside the purview of centralized authorities, governments, and top-down control
Fiat Currencies
& Central Banking
Global, Decentralized,
Non-State Money
The Financial Revolution
Coordination of financial services and contracts outside the purview of traditional financial institutions
Traditional Finance (TradFi)
Decentralized Finance (DeFi)
The Internet Revolution
Coordination of identity, reputation, and data outside the purview of traditional media conglomerates and big techn of value transfer and property rights outside the purview of centralized authorities, governments, and top-down control
Corporate-Owned Platforms
Interoperable, User- Owned Web
Forecasts are inherently limited and cannot be relied upon. | For informational purposes only and should not be considered investment advice, or a recommendation to buy, sell or hold any particular security/cryptocurrency. Source: ARK Investment Management LLC, 2021 
Each Revolution Involves A Different Level of Trust
In our view, the Money Revolution requires predictable monetary assurances, maximum decentralization, and conservatism. The Financial and Internet Revolutions require some tradeoffs to achieve scalability, convenience, and innovation. Competing blockchains should recognize that too much trust in centralized authorities risks a reversion to the status quo.
Centralized Trust
Descentralized Trust
Status Quo
Discretionary, Highly Regulated Networks
Closed-loop, slow to adapt, highly permissioned, optimized for centralized control and scale
Central Government, Scale, Vendor Lock-in
The Financial & Internet Revolution
Composable, Permissionless Programming
Progressive, technology focused, experimental, optimized for functionality and scalability
Dev Ecosystem, “Decentralized Enough,” Feature-Rich, Venture Funded
The Money Revolution
Coordination of value transfer and property rights outside the purview of centralized authorities, governments, and top-down control
Conservative and predictable, resilient to change, optimized for security and decentralization
Monetary Integrity, Proof of Work, Highly Decentralized, Founder Myth, Fair Launch
Note: Each entity presented above is a representative sample of a ”name brand” in their respective verticals.For informational purposes only and should not be considered investment advice, or a recommendation to buy, sell or hold any particular security/cryptocurrency.  
Source: ARK Investment Management LLC., 2021
Tipping points in the communication channels of the Internet
private messaging campfires
Private messages with friends
micro-community campfires
Small communities within existing groups
shared experience campfires
Shared experiences with like-minded people
The iPhone was the tipping point in mobile technology.
2007: iPhone is released - mobile control of our life: we replaced other tools with just one that allows us to be everywhere (wireless analyst Jeff Kagan) with WIFI.
Immersive gaming infrastructure
VR & AR technology
In spite of the impressive growth and the promising predictions on how these technologies will impact future jobs - already in 2030 - there is still a way to go until VR and AR become more attainable and surpass their use beyond the gaming ecosystem.

As a hands-on consultancy, we are focused on helping our partners to better understand, create and discover untapped business models within this revolution, to unlock their growth entering a new era.