Anitya - Metaverse Platform

anitya - A new tool to create spatial computing (VC-Backed Spinoff)
The challenge:

The Challenge

With growing interest in gaming, spatial computing and existing engines being very heavy and expensive we saw the opportunity to create a light solution. To address that we engaged with Godot the biggest open source project (by individual collaborators) and got their co-founder to join us as co-founder and CTO of anitya. 

Anitya empowers any creator to build spatial computing applications without needing to code. As a Platform as a Service (PaaS), we enable creators to focus on innovation without the overhead of learning complex software like Unity or Unreal. Instead of spending months mastering coding or investing thousands in development, creators get a web based, intuitive tool that they master in days while paying for seats, application published, API calls, and server capacity. 

Imagine you're a creator wanting to design a gamified learning experience  or any spatial computing application. With anitya, this becomes as simple as building a website on platforms like Wix or Webflow. It’s collaborative like Figma, allowing seamless team integration, and versatile like Zapier, enabling you to integrate a variety of tools and services. Anitya lowers the barriers to entry for creating spatial computing applications, unlocking a future with new use-cases and possibilities.

Our approach:

Our Approach

Through extensive user validation processes with various organizations and comprehensive user research with independent creators, newkinco identified critical pain points and market opportunities to leverage cutting-edge technology to deliver immersive and interactive experiences across various devices, including Web, VR/AR, and Mobile and that is how anitya was born 

The Key Insight

Beyond being perceived solely as technological tools, spatial computing is likely to become the ultimate computing interface offering new angles for engagement through interactive experiences. This presents opportunities for creators, brands, and organizations to connect with audiences in immersive ways.

The key insight:

The Outcomes

Anitya established a dedicated team to develop a suite of customizable digital worlds and tools, catering to both basic and advanced users, thereby reducing barriers to entry for Spatial Computing. Additionally, a supportive community ecosystem was created, fostering collaboration among developers, artists, creators, organizations, and social change agents to leverage the collective value generated within the community.

Leveraging insights and market validation, Anitya offers transformative applications for creating spatial applications from corporate training, gamified education, collaborative workshops,  immersive e-commerce experiences and more.

Some of the use cases:

  • Training & Education: Immersive learning environments, customizable content creation, training monitoring & analytics, and gamification integration.
  • Collaboration & Workshops: Customized collaboration spaces, interactive workshops, brand meeting environments, and seamless cross-platform access.
  • E-Commerce & Showrooms: Interactive brand experiences, seamless e-commerce integration, data-driven insights, custom product displays, and individual 3D assets.
The outcome:

1 . We assembled a dedicated team to develop: 

  • a set of customizable digital worlds and tools, essential and advanced, to lower the barrier of entry to the metaverse and web3 for non-technical users.
  •  a community of mutual support, where developers, artists, creators, organizations, and different agents of social change can help each other and benefit from the value created within the entire community.

2. We collected a significant amount of data to reaffirm our decision-making process  and set a common ground to not only continue iterating the product but also to better help organizations with their web3 transition.

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